Tag Archives: success

What can good sushi teach us about success and confidence?- Plenty, it seems.

Success and confidence can come from different sources, we all know this, some more prevalent or lasting than others. We often think that the “pursuit of more” will bring us greater satisfaction — that if we are the fairest and the richest in the land, our sense of worth will sky-rocket and will stay up forever. And when it doesn’t, we are thrown in a turmoil of disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success

“Supersurvivors” is a wonderful and emotional book, full of hope, inspiration, wisdom, and nonetheless—lots of research form the wellness space. Written by David B. Feldman, Ph.D—an associate professor from Santa Clara University in the U.S. and Lee Daniel Kravetz—a post-graduate fellow from Stanford University, journalist, psychologists and a wellbeing speaker, the book is nothing short …